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Alumniverbund der Universität Siegen

Campus Hölderlinstr.

H-C 5303/04 und H-C 5305/06

+49 (0)271/740-4912

+49 (0)271/740-14947


Alumniverbund der Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen

Alumni Network of the University of Siegen

The term "alumni" is not just a phrase used for former students or lecturers of a university. It’s a shared concept in which former students, and employees of a university stay in contact with one another and their former institution. By doing so they become a part of a larger university-wide network.

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The Alumni Network (Alumniverbund) of the University of Siegen is the university-wide international network of the University of Siegen. Since 2000 it has been connecting its members across the university, faculties and the world. Currently there are 15,000 current and former students, lecturers, researchers, as well as other employees of the university. Decentralised alumni-groups and departmental groups from different faculties are included within the network.

Through its range of services and events, as well as cooperation with departmental and local groups, the network offers a multitude of opportunities for alumni to stay in contact with the University of Siegen, in order to exchange ideas and to network, both internationally and across disciplines.

The network is organised through our alumni portal myAlumni. Participation as a member of the university-wide network of the University of Siegen is free of charge.


Rooted in the university structure

The alumni office is the central service and contact point for all "alumni" and networking at the University of Siegen with contacts in the alumni office. As a central institution, the alumni association is assigned to the rectorate of the university. As a central service and coordination point, the alumni association supports the alumni activities at faculty level and networks the professional exchange with the university.

Connected Network

We strive to improve our association by exchanging tips and ideas with other networks. Doing so can also bring benefits for participants in our alumni network while making a broader range of services available for them. More about links[+]

Alumni go Europe

The alumni association of the University of Siegen was a project partner in the GRUNDTVIG sub-programme, which was a part of the EU "lifelong learning" action programme. Services for alumni associations were further developed through joint learning partnerships with institutions from England, Spain and Austria in the "Alumni go Europe" project. These partnerships resulted in the setting of benchmarks which enable comparisons between successful alumni organisations.


alumni-clubs.net - Association of Alumni Organizations in German-speaking Countries (acn) is the umbrella organisation for alumni associations in German-speaking countries. This association is the platform and hub for communication and cooperation in alumni-work for alumni organizations of universities and for all those who work in these organizations on a professional or voluntary basis. As a founding member of the clubs.net association, the alumni association of the University of Siegen works with partners to organise and shape the sharing of ideas and experiences.

Our partners with the university of Siegen

  • GAWN - German Alumni Water Network
  • VWI – Verband Deutscher Wirtschaftsingenieure, Hochschulgruppe Siegen e.V.
  • Study & Consult e.V. - Studentische Unternehmensberatung Siegen

How do we understand the term "alumni network?"

Since its founding, the University of Siegen has not only been a part of the lives of students, researchers and employees, it has also had an impact upon their careers once they have left the university. As a member of the university community, they have helped to shape their institution. That is why we understand the alumni network and the alumni association of the University of Siegen to be a university-wide contact network for our community. We cordially invite all current and former students, researchers and employees of the university to keep in touch with their university community, and to reconnect with their former colleagues and classmates through our network. Anyone who is currently or who has studied, taught, or worked for the University of Siegen is more than welcome to join the alumni network, and also departmental alumni groups from the faculties.

How can I participate in the (alumni-) contact network of the University of Siegen?

In order to participate in the alumni / contact network and to benefit from different services, registration at the University of Siegen's myAlumni portal is required. "Membership" is free of charge.

myAlumni - The Alumni Portal of the University of Siegen

After registering on the website, you can set up your profile with some information about yourself, your time at the university of Siegen and your profession, and continue to update it as you progress through your career. This information is used for between yourself and the University of Siegen, the organisers of the alumni association, and if applicable, the alumni groups of which you are a member. Here you can control the use of this information in line with your preferences, subscribe to learn more about offers and services and discover possibilities for participating in the alumni network or other ways to show commitment toward the university.

A network of contacts

In the alumni portal, you can also make use of contact networks and use your individual settings with regard to the use of data to search for other network participants, and former fellow students to reconnect with them. You can input your skills and interests into the contact network, which enables in the exchange of ideas and knowledge across the network.

How we handle your data

By entering your data into the myAlumni portal you are agreeing to begin a membership that is both non-binding and free of charge. Your data will of course be handled in a strictly confidential manner! Our alumni portal is subject to the provisions of the GDPR, and is hosted at the University of Siegen in compliance with its own online security guidelines.

What services you can expect and how you can shape the network

Informing, sharing, creating - in order to foster exchanges of between alumni and the university of Siegen, we offer a multitude of services. These services offer you the opportunity to share your experiences with others, and to actively shape the network.

We encourage you to participate by bringing your research, insights, and knowledge to the table. There are a few different ways for you to get involved.

Hinweise zum Einsatz der Google Suche

Alumniverbund der Universität Siegen

Campus Hölderlinstr.

H-C 5303/04 und H-C 5305/06

+49 (0)271/740-4912

+49 (0)271/740-14947


Alumniverbund der Universität Siegen
Hölderlinstr. 3
57076 Siegen