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Alumniverbund der Universität Siegen - The International Network

Regardless of whether you completed your studies some time ago, or are still working on your degree, everyone who has studied, taught, worked or conducted research at the University of Siegen should stay connected. Become a part of the international network of your university! Benefit from lively exchanges between theoretical and practical knowledge, make contacts and take advantage of the variety of services offered by us, the "Alumniverbund der Universität Siegen" - the international network of the University of Siegen, together with the alumni groups of the faculties. Your participation will also allow you to actively shape the network.

Are you not yet a member of the network? Click here to create your "myAlumni" profile in the Alumni Portal!

You already created your profile in the Alumni-Portal? Click here to login directly to the Alumni Portal with your profile!

Alumni share experiences from their personal and professional development in these interviews. They may have all studied at the University of Siegen, but each one of them has their own story to share. Click here to read their portraits.

My Uni Siegen signpost: Our international alumni highlight their connections to the University of Siegen by holding a signpost with the distance to Siegen from some particularly meaningful places at their current location. Click here to read more about our ambassadors.

Some alumni of the University of Siegen decide to start their own businesses.The ideas behind each company are as unique as the founders themselves. These alumni talk about their exciting start-up experiences in various interviews. Click here to read more about our founder alumni.

International scientists from our research network give an insight into their research collaboration with researchers from the University of Siegen. Click here here to see the research alumni gallery aswell.

Latest News

Gründungsvater der Siegener Chemie feiert seinen 90. Geburtstag im Kreise ehemaliger Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter

Am 16. März 2024 wurde Prof. em. Dr. H. D. Lutz, renommierter Chemieprofessor und Doktorvater vieler erfolgreicher Absolventinnen und Absolventen, 90 Jahre alt. Click here to read more.

New Article In The Uni News Online:

Nico Battistini

He actually wanted to become a director. Nico Battistini came to the University of Siegen in 1998 with a great passion for art and computer science. His teachers confirmed early on that he had a talent for bringing topics and people together. His path at the University of Siegen led him to both the studio stage and the digital editing desk. However, he did not become a director, but a teacher, later a media consultant and, since 2016, he has been responsible for teaching and learning in the digital world at the Ministry of Schools and Education of North Rhine-Westphalia. Click here to read more.

New Founder alumni portrait Online:

Moritz Everding: Sochili

Moritz Everding has not only developed delicious chili sauces, but also created a product with social added value. As a social entrepreneur, he discovered his passion for social consumption during his business studies. Click here to read more.

Neues Alumni-Portrait online:

Marion Wagener: Experimentieren verbindet Menschen – Begeisterung durch externe Bildungsangebote schaffen.

Marion Wagener absolvierte an der Universität Siegen einen Abschluss als Diplomchemikerin. Heute arbeitet sie in Darmstadt für two4science und gibt dort ihre Leidenschaft für die Chemie an Groß und Klein weiter. Click here to read more.

New Research Alumni Tandem online:

Prof. Dr. Christoph Strünck and Dr. Kazim Topuz - Using digitality to improve our healthcare system

Prof. Dr. Christoph Strünck, dean of the School of Life Sciences at the University of Siegen, is a social scientist. Dr. Kazim Topuz serves as an Assistant Professor specializing in Business Analytics and Operations Management at the Collins College of Business, University of Tulsa, located in Tulsa, Oklahoma. Together, they conduct interdisciplinary research into our healthcare system. Click here to read more.

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