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Alumni Academy: Further education and international exchanges

The Alumni Academy's "Die internationale Zukunftswerkstatt / The future laboratory" is aimed toward international alumni of the University of Siegen, and is designed to support them in their personal and professional further education.
In "The Future Laboratory" participants work together in an interdisciplinary composition on projects for sustainable development. The focus here is on education, digitalisation, social and development-related topics.

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Alumni Academy / Transformation for sustainability / 2023 and 2024

In the international future workshop "Urbanisation and Rural Development", the participants, international alumni and research alumni of the University of Siegen, are invited in an interdisciplinary composition over two years to enter into a discourse with international perspectives on this field of tension. Here, a link is established between international projects, which are identified and accompanied by the participants from their respective regional and professional contexts, and regional and university (University of Siegen) projects, and an added value for a transformation in the sense of sustainability is created through the exchange of experiences.

Alumni Academy / Digitalisation 20+ and Sustainability / 2021 and 2022

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As a further education format for alumni, the Alumni Academy, together with Professor Mathias Wirths from the Department of Architecture of Faculty II - Education-Architecture-Arts, took up the "blended" format in 2021 and 2022. Enabled by DAAD funding from BMZ funds, international alumni worked here in interdisciplinary composition on topics related to digital teaching and blended learning and developed and implemented various joint teaching/learning projects. Click here to read more

Sustainability Conference 2015

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Under the leadership of the Alumni Association of the University of Siegen together with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Mathias Wirths as representative of the Department of Architecture at the University of Siegen and Alanus University, the Alumni Academy 2015 started from 04.09 - 12.09 with Module 2 "Steering and Evaluating Projects". The Alumni Academy "Paths to Sustainability - The International Future Workshop", which was funded by the DAAD in 2014 and 2015, was concluded in the spirit of the theme with an award ceremony with the patron, Johannes Remmel, Minister for Climate Protection, Environment, Agriculture, Nature Conservation and Consumer Protection of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia. The jury was made up of the participants themselves as well as the heads of the Alumni Academy and external advisors, including from GIZ. Lesen Click here to read more.

Alumni Academy / Sustainability / 2014 and 2015

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As early as 2013, the Alumni Summer School with a group of international alumni of the University of Siegen in interdisciplinary composition and from different cultures laid the foundation for a joint commitment to sustainable development. While extensive input from academia on issues of sustainability for society, the environment and the economy had initially sharpened the participants' view of sustainable action, this gave rise to the common desire to work concretely on projects for sustainable development. This initiative was the basis of the Alumni Academy, which in 2014 and 2015, also with funding from the DAAD, was intended to support alumni in the sense of successful project management for the implementation of their own projects for sustainable development as an "international future workshop". Through a cooperation with the Alanus University of Arts and Social Sciences, the alumni participant group was able to broaden its base even more from 2014 onwards. Both through the exchange of their own competences within the group and with the support of other experts in the field of project management and international cooperation, concepts for sustainable development projects were jointly developed from ideas in two modules at the Alumni Academy (2014), which had already entered an initial implementation phase by the time the second module met again in September 2015. Questions on project evaluation and successful project management were now on the agenda. Click here to read more.

Alumni Summer School

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Under the motto "Shaping the Future Humanly - Paths to Sustainability", the 2013 interdisciplinary Alumni Summer School focused on the topics "Shaping the Environment", "Social Responsibility" and "Economic Thinking". With contributions from lecturers from the University of Siegen as well as many guest lecturers, the focus was on the aspect of continuing education for the participants. Another and essential part of the programme, however, were the contributions of the participants themselves. With a view to sustainability from the respective cultural and professional contexts, the global dimension of the discussion on sustainability also became clear here. Click here to read more.


With our offers for further education, we would like to support international understanding and intercultural exchange in a special way. The project is funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).

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